Blue Badge Scheme
Blue Badge Scheme
The Blue Badge scheme provides a range of parking concessions for people with severe mobility problems who have difficulty using public transport. The badge enables holders to park close to where they need to go. The scheme operates throughout the UK, and is administered by local authorities who deal with applications and issue badges.
Lately, there have been an update on implementation of the Blue Badge reform programme that aimes tackling rising levels of badge fraud and abuse, helping to ensure that disabled people receive improved customer service and ensuring that the scheme remains sustainable in the long term for those who rely on it most.
The Blue Badge Improvement Service became operational on 1 January 2012.
The service establishes a common store of key information on badges and badge holders that will enable verification checks to be made quickly and easily.
The old-style cardboard badges have been replaced by new ones made from a fused and bonded hard plastic material and which contain a number of overt and covert security features. For the first time, people can now apply for a Blue Badge using a national system that is available on Directgov. This should result in a quicker turnaround time for people re-applying for badges whose circumstances are not going to change.
Those who use the online application form will only be asked to complete those sections that are relevant to the eligibility under which they are applying. After completing the eligibility questions and you are entitled you can go on the next step which is an online application form.
Tags: blue badge, local authorities, mobility problems