Jem and the Holograms

Jem and the Holograms

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Jem and the Holograms

Every Generation Needs a Voice.Drama, Music, Adventure, Fantasy, Comedy

2015Duration unknown

In a hyper-linked social media age, an orphaned teenage girl, Jerrica Jem Benton, becomes an online recording sensation, and she and her sisters embark on a music-driven scavenger hunt - one that sends them on an adventure across Los Angeles - in an attempt to unlock a final message left by her father.

Title Jem and the Holograms
Director of Photography
Tagline Every Generation Needs a Voice.
Languages English
Director Jon M. Chu
Runtime Duration unknown
Release Date 23 October 2015
IMDb Id tt3614530
Movie Media
Movie Subtitles
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Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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